Write about what captivates. This principle didn’t occur to me until Mysterium was finished, but now I believe in the words wholeheartedly. It was fascination and reverence for the mountains that bore the novel forward. You could say I was taken captive by...
07.27.18How I Came To the StoryEssays
07.20.18Like Looking in a MirrorEssays
07.13.18Rewriting the Western CanonEssays
06.14.18Using the Red Horse Pictographs to Explore the PastEssays
05.25.18Turning a Seagull Into a Woman on a BikeEssays
05.18.18The Royal Family and the ArtsEssays
04.27.18The Poet Who Taught the Serious Girl to Cut the SunEssays
04.27.18Imaginary Gardens With Real Toads In ThemEssays
04.27.18Memory PalacesEssays
04.20.18Living Toward That VoiceEssays
04.06.18The Tale of TonyaEssays
03.16.18Not to Free the HornetEssays
03.08.18My Real RebeccaEssays
01.26.18Making Sense of The Last JediEssays
12.07.17Now I Am Going to Write a BookEssays
11.29.17Centering the Voices of Incarcerated PeopleEssays
11.16.17Reading the MarginsEssays
09.28.17A Tale of Two EditionsEssays