We invite you to join our second national teleforum, this time with John D. Kasarda, co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We'll Live Next. The live event takes place Friday, April 15th, at 2:00PM EST / 11:00AM PST; participation is free. As you may remember from our Justice teleforum in November, this is a new format for authors and readers to dive deeper into the book. Unlike a webinar, you don't have to be tied to a computer to join—a phone is all you need. Pico Iyer in Time recently called Kasarda's aerotropolis one of "10 ideas that will change the world." So, what is the aerotropolis? In the 20th century, airports were built outside of cities, and roads connected one to the other. This pattern—city in the center, airport on the periphery—has shaped life across the globe. Today however, jet travel, round-the-clock workdays, overnight shipping, and global business networks have turned the pattern inside out. A new urban form, the "aerotropolis," has emerged, placing airports in the center with cities growing around them, connecting workers, suppliers, executives, and goods to the global marketplace. The aerotropolis model is re-shaping life in China and India, Seoul and Amsterdam, Dallas and Memphis, and it could be the economic answer for a city like Detroit.
I took a quick trip to Boston last weekend to produce our teleforum event with Harvard's Michael Sandel and his book Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? By our accounts, the experiment was successful. If you've seen his TV series, you know about Sandel's interactions with his audiences - he solicits audience members' opinions and then explores the principles of justice below the surface - and this style translated seamlessly to the teleforum format. Sandel polled the listening audience with questions about income distribution and, later, about affirmative action, then investigated people's arguments through several exchanges with individual callers. Curious to see how it went? Listen below:
Would you sacrifice one life to save five? Is it okay to steal a drug your child needs to survive? These are the questions Professor Michael J. Sandel poses in his legendary course and New York Times-bestseller Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? Sandel's class on moral philosophy is consistently the most popular at Harvard, with over 1,000 students at a time. On November 7th, we're taking his accessible approach directly to readers with a national, live, interactive format called teleforum. It's a new form of the traditional author reading, one where readers can join in from anywhere in the country. All you need to participate is a telephone. Broadnet's teleforum enables readers to interact with an author directly, answering his questions and responding with your own. Simply sign up in advance and we call you as the event begins. It's completely free. Sandel debating "The Moral Side of Murder":