As this glimpse at the proofs of my versions of Leopardi’s Canti suggests, a translation, like an original poem, is never finished, only abandoned. And that remains true even after the book is published—I’ve already started collected "improvements" for a future printing. There’s usually a way to say what needs to be said more concisely, more pithily, more beautifully. That’s why I’ve found translation over the years to have been an incredible education in writing.
11.16.10Jonathan Galassi on Translating Giacomo LeopardiPoetry
11.16.10Wikileaks and War PoetryPoetry
01.16.11Editor & Author: Jonathan Galassi and Gjertrud SchnackenbergPoetry
05.17.11Jorge Luis Borges: Borges and IPoetry
06.07.12Q & A: Rowan Ricardo Phillips with FSG Poet Lawrence JosephPoetry
09.12.13Ange Mlinko & Christopher RichardsPoetry
03.23.17Landscape on Which Memory FallsPoetry
04.27.17Rereading Robert LowellPoetry