Lindsay Hunter

Developing Stories

Developing Stories, a new series from Work in Progress, invites authors to carry a disposable camera and document whatever compels them—a reading, a walk in the woods, a tour of the writer’s hometown. This week we live a few days in the life of Lindsay Hunter, author of Eat Only When You’re Hungry, and journey to the Franklin Park Reading Series, ruminate on time, and visit the magical world that is Chuck E. Cheese’s.

Franklin Park Reading Series

Franklin Park Reading Series

I took this at the Franklin Park Reading Series in Brooklyn. I traveled to NYC for approximately 24 hours to do this fantastic reading with some fellow FSGers, including Jac Jemc, seen here reading. Though you’d think I was like “OH SNAP, lemme get a pic of my friend Sasha’s back/head, this’ll be good.”

Lindsay Hunter

Lindsay Hunter

I have no idea who that man is. I see super agent Claudia Ballard over my left shoulder, and she is clearly thinking Lindsay should rethink the face she’s making. Ugh, too late.

Ameila Gray Reading

Ameila Gray Reading

If you squint and squeeze your buttcheeks real tight, you’ll see Amelia Gray in profile, slaying us all with a hilarious excerpt from something she called “The Fighter.” Hey, there’s Sasha again! Hilton Als, watch out.

Lindsay Hunter and Alissa Nutting

Lindsay Hunter and Alissa Nutting

First, I captured that lovely woman begging the camera for help, and then I turned and captured superstar Alissa Nutting with the classic arm-around-the-shoulder move. And there’s my handsome agent, Jim Rutman!

At Church

At Church

This is self explanatory, right? I mean, we were at church.

Sasha Fletcher and Sarah Rose Etter

Sasha Fletcher and Sarah Rose Etter

There’s Sasha again! Have I been Sasha-tized? And there’s the lovely and crazy brilliant Sarah Rose Etter, along with a ghosty Tobias Carroll. Ah, friends.

Dean Bakopoulos and Lindsay Hunter

Dean Bakopoulos and Lindsay Hunter

I clearly did not take this photo, which I think is also what I am saucily yelling here. Poor Dean Bakopoulos is like, I wish I were asleep.



I need Jesus.

Lindsay, Dean, and Emily Bell

Lindsay, Dean, and Emily Bell

There’s my editor, Emily Bell, and Dean again, and a rare TEETH GHOST, GAH, SOMEONE GET THE SAGE.

Hotel Window

Hotel Window

This is a picture of the window in my hotel room the following morning. Sober, I figured I should try to be artsy.

Chuck E. Cheese's

Chuck E. Cheese’s

Chuck E. Cheese’s is a safe space, okay?



I…got nothin’.



My four year old son, Parker, recently came out as a Juggalo. At least he’s not a Republican!

Lindsay's Deck

Lindsay’s Deck

This is a table that is on my deck. I mean, the clutter is just stressful. It isn’t even charming. Check out those eclipse glasses, though! Totally worthless, as the Chicago eclipse was rendered meh by clouds.



This is the body of my youngest child, Townes. Pretty sure Parker took this. I can’t believe Townes had that shirt then, as I feel like I just bought it moments ago? But when you become a parent you realize that time doesn’t move the way you were taught it does in school. Time fucks with you and then is like, what are you talking about? You have clocks all around you, lady! Time is the ultimate gaslighter.

Cousin Camp

Cousin Camp

Gotta go, time just judo chopped me in the throat with this image of my teenaged-yet-also-baby son.

Lindsay Hunter is the author of the story collections Don’t Kiss Me and Daddy’s and the novels Eat Only When You’re Hungry and Ugly Girls. Originally from Florida, she now lives in Chicago with her husband, sons, and dogs.