We’ve rounded up some of the best of what our authors have been doing, reading, and thinking this week.
Apparently William Hogarth had a pug named TRUMP pic.twitter.com/1rCBmcPm8W
— Moira Weigel (@moiragweigel) November 2, 2016
Airport keeps saying it wants to confiscate our unattended baggage and I'm like HELL YEAH, that's way cheaper than therapy
— Kelly Luce (@lucekel) November 2, 2016
TFW when you say to your teenager, "What is that music you're playing? It's awful — turn it down!" And it's Shostakovich.
— Naomi J. Williams (@NaomiWilliams) November 2, 2016
"Let me tell you my Donna Tartt story," says the flight attendant, & now the whole plane is talking about books. #TheBest
— Garth Greenwell (@GarthGreenwell) November 2, 2016