We’ve rounded up some of the best of what our authors have been doing, reading, and thinking this week.
a perfect
writing table
on lake
faraway. pic.twitter.com/HhENUOiLuc
— Henri Cole (@ColeHenri) April 30, 2015
Riding through Baltimore on my way to DC, feeling acutely aware of my privilege. May poverty and racism be overcome.
— Ethan Nichtern (@ethannichtern) April 30, 2015
I haven't been in so many North American studios in a long time and it's been a reminder of how frighteningly skinny women on TV are.
— Mona Eltahawy (@monaeltahawy) April 29, 2015
Proud to see #BroadcastHysteria alongside such great scholarship at the @IUcinema #OrsonWelles symposium. #IUOrson100 pic.twitter.com/4I4TI3vvhu
— A. Brad Schwartz (@ABradSchwartz) April 30, 2015
Just dreamt that @nickcave wouldn't share his comb with me. And I needed it.
— Sasha Hemon (@SashaHemon) May 1, 2015
It was so moving to watch the marvelous young participants of the @PoetryOutLoud national semifinal. What voices. Poetry lives. @PoetryFound
— RowanRicardoPhillips (@RowanRicardo) April 29, 2015