Last month we debuted our Longreads page, where we’ll be posting articles, interviews, and stories longer than 2,000 words. (Also keep an eye out for our Twitter posts marked with the #longreads tag.) A few recent highlights:
- “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts,” by Jonathan Franzen, in The New York Times, adapted from his Kenyon College commencement address
- “Daughter of California” by Edie Meidav, author of the forthcoming novel Lola, California, in The Millions
- “You Blow My Mind. Hey, Mickey!” by John Jeremiah Sullivan, author of the forthcoming essay collection Pulphead, in The New York Times Magazine
- “‘A Frightening Time in America’: An Interview with David Foster Wallace” by Ostap Karmodi in the New York Review of Books blog