Ian Frazier recently read from his new book Travels in Siberia at the Russian Samovar in New York City.
Some of you may remember Frazier from his bestseller Great Plains; others may remember him from those New Yorker pieces that make you laugh so hard your mouth hurts. (“The New Poetry” from Lamentations of the Father is a favorite of mine.)
Ian Frazier is the author of Great Plains, On the Rez, and Dating Your Mom, among other works, all published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. A frequent contributor to The New Yorker, he lives in Montclair, New Jersey.
See Also:
Ian Frazier and Roy Blount Jr. (Alphabet Juice) read at KGB Bar November 16th
Ian Frazier appears on The Colbert Report November 17th
The FSG Reading Series with Paul Murray and Rachel DeWoskin December 6th